(1824 - 1896)

Vienna Bruckner Studies

Publication series of the Anton Bruckner Research Unit of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Each volume 17 x 24 format, soft-bound (MV 511 Hardcover)


The series Vienna Bruckner Studies, established in 2009, provides scholars, Bruckner aficionados and music lovers with a thematically broad forum. Apart from the local biographical focus on Vienna the series includes reference works, studies of works and reception as well as monographs.

Anton Bruckner’s Vienna Years

Analyses – Facts – Perspectives


Vienna Bruckner Studies 1
ed. Renate Grasberger, Elisabeth Maier, and Erich Wolfgang Partsch (2009)


MV 501
348 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-91-9


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Thomas Aigner
Karl Kratzls Abschlussprüfung bei Anton Bruckner

Theophil Antonicek
Bruckner im Belvedere. Akten des Obersthofmeisteramtes

Gerhard Baumgartner
Aus dem Kontrapunktunterricht bei Anton Bruckner. Eine Mitschrift von Lorenz Ritter

Rainer Boss
Te Deum. Symphonische Spuren in Anton Bruckners kirchenmusikalischem Schaffen während seiner Wiener Zeit (1868–1896)

Moritz Csáky
Bruckner und Wien: Der sozio-kulturelle Kontext einer Stadt

Andrea Harrandt
Albert J. Gutmann als Verleger Brucknerscher Werke. Aus der Korrespondenz der Bruckner-Freunde und -Interpreten

Paul Hawkshaw
Bruckner’s Eight Symphony: Old Issues, New and Revisited Sources

Clemens Höslinger
Kontroversen um Brahms, Richter und Bruckner. Zu den frühen (anonymen) Musikkritiken Hans Paumgartners (1880-1882)

Benjamin Korstvedt
The Critics and the Quintet: A Study in Musical Representation

Thomas Leibnitz
„... nur gleichnissweise, in der Form poetischer Stimmungen...“. Zeitgenössische Bruckner-Deutung im Gefolge Wagners

Andreas Lindner
Die Uraufführung der Vierten Symphonie Anton Bruckners aus dem Blickwinkel der Blechbläser der Wiener Philharmoniker

Elisabeth Maier
Bruckner und die „Affaire St. Anna“

Erich Wolfgang Partsch
Viktor Christ - Anton Bruckners Schüler und Kopist

Klaus Petermayr
Im Banne des Mädchenmörders. Anton Bruckner und Hugo Schenk

Eckhart Roch
„Halb Genie, halb Trottel“. Bruckner-Rezeption im Spannungsfeld ästhetischer Projektionen

Peter Urbanitsch
Anton Bruckner, das liebe Geld, die Wiener Gesellschaft und die Politik

David F. Chapman

Bruckner and the Generalbass Tradition


Vienna Bruckner Studies 2
in English


MV 502
180 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-93-3 (2010)


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The main focus of this comprehensive study is Bruckner’s training in music theory in its historical context and its impact on his composition technique up to his late works.

Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs

Das Finale der IX. Sinfonie von Anton Bruckner


Vienna Bruckner Studies 3


MV 503
335 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-94-0


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The fourth movement of Anton Bruckner’s Ninth Symphony , which had originally probably been completed but survives only in fragmentary form, is surrounded by almost as many legends as Mozart’s incomplete Requiem. But since the structure of the missing score sheets can in fact be inferred from the extensive surviving preliminary work, a largely complete movement can be reconstructed.
This comprehensive study contains a detailed documentation of the work’s genesis and reception as well as a "Presentation of the Fragment" in full score, including the results of recent philological research on the finale manuscripts.

Elisabeth Maier

Années de Pèlerinage (I)

Neue Dokumente zu August Göllerichs Studienzeit bei Franz Liszt und Anton Bruckner - Teil 1

with the collaboration of Renate Grasberger


[ New documents on August Göllerich‘s studies with Franz Liszt and Anton Bruckner - Part 1]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 4/1

MV 504
582 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-95-7


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August Göllerich (1859 – 1923) has found his way into music history mainly as a student and biographer of Anton Bruckner. However, a different master was seminal for Göllerich’s life: Franz Liszt, who had defining influence on Göllerich’s personality as well as on his lifelong and idealistic commitment for music.
The documents published for the first time in this volume paint an impressive picture of Liszt’s relationship with his pupils, among whom Göllerich assumed a special position of trust.

Elisabeth Maier

Années de Pèlerinage (II)

Neue Dokumente zu August Göllerichs Studienzeit bei Franz Liszt und Anton Bruckner - Teil 2

with the collaboration of Renate Grasberger


[ New documents on August Göllerich’s studies with Franz Liszt and Anton Bruckner - Part 2 ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 4/2
MV 508

444 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-03-2


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Volume 2 of the “Années de Pèlerinage” shows us August Göllerich, Bruckner’s “authorized biographer”, from his time as Bruckner’s student at the University of Vienna up to his position as director of the Linz music school and driving force behind the musical life of that city.
Apart from many new documents from the Bruckner circle this volume also gives valuable insights into a very special intellectual circle of young people from varying religious and ideological backgrounds in 1880s Vienna who pursued a “discreet, but very momentous coffee-house rebellion” that prefigured the entire political and cultural spectrum of the following decades – also in its disastrous ramifications.

Elisabeth Maier / Erich Wolfgang Partsch

Anton Bruckners Messen


[ Anton Bruckner‘s Masses ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 5

MV 505
180 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-97-1


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Erich Wolfgang Partsch
Bruckners Messen im Spiegel der Forschungsgeschichte
Karl Rehberger
Franz Joseph Rudigier
Rupert Klieber
Nur eine „schöne Leich‘“?
Katholische Kirche und Katholizismus im liberalen vor–Lueger–Wien
Ernst Bruckmüller / Walter Sauer
Kirchenmusikvereine in Wien
Theophil Antonicek
Das Hofmusikkapell-Repertoire um Anton Bruckner
Helmut Loos
Bruckners Messen im Kontext seiner Zeit
Wolfgang Kreuzhuber
Zur Stilistik der frühen Messen Bruckners
Thomas Dolezal
Überlegungen zur Messe d-Moll (WAB 26) von Anton Bruckner
Mario Aschauer
„Zu einem gothischen Dome gehört übrigens auch eine solche Messe. Historische Ästhetik, Antonio Lottis Messe und Bruckners Linzer Kirchenmusik
Erich Wolfgang Partsch
Anmerkungen zu Anton Bruckners Messe e-Moll (WAB 27)
Elisabeth Maier
„Und kirchli‘ is‘ do‘ nöt?“. Bruckners Messe f-Moll (WAB 28) zwischen Kirche und Konzertsaal
Dieter Michael Backes
„Ist es erlaubt eine Messe in dem Style zu schreiben wie Bruckner es gethan?“ Anmerkungen zur Klangstruktur von Bruckners Linzer Messen – Wurzeln seiner symphonischen Klangkunst?

Elisabeth Maier / Renate Grasberger

Die Bruckner-Bestände des Stiftes St. Florian

Katalog, Teil I (Gruppe 1-12)


[ The Bruckner Collection of the Monastery at St. Florian. Catalogue, Part I (Group 1-12) ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 6/1

MV 506
296 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-98-8


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The substantial Bruckner collection of the Upper Austrian Monastery of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine’s Order is among the most important historical sites of source materials regarding the life and works of Anton Bruckner. This catalogue is the first ever to supply a complete documentation. The first of three projected parts of the catalogue records 844 individual entries, many of which are published for the first time, including some hitherto unknown letters to Bruckner – an indispensible treasure trove for Bruckner scholars and admirers.

Elisabeth Maier / Renate Grasberger

Die Bruckner-Bestände des Stiftes St. Florian

Katalog, Teil 2 (Gruppe 13-23)


[ The Bruckner Collection of the Monastery at St. Florian. Catalogue, Part 2 (Group 13-23) ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 6/2

MV 507
356 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-902681-32-4


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The second part of the catalogue contains a wealth of documents published for the first time on Anton Bruckner’s life, the reception of his works and his personal environment. The core of the volume are archive groups 19 and 20 with the original manuscripts of many of Bruckner’s works.

Elisabeth Maier / Renate Grasberger

Die Bruckner-Bestände des Stiftes St. Florian

Katalog, Teil 3


[ The Bruckner Collection of the Monastery at St. Florian. Catalogue, Part 3 ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 6/3
Bruckneriana und Musikalia in Nachlässen
mit zwei Beiträgen von Friedrich Buchmayr (2019)


MV 509
570 pages, 17 x 24, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-06-3


Elisabeth Maier

Anton Bruckners frühe Linzer Zeit

Lehrerausbildung und Musikstudium an der Präparandie 1840/41


[ Anton Bruckner’s Early Linz Period
Teacher Training and Musical Studies at the Präparandie 1840/41 ]


Vienna Bruckner Studies 7


MV 510
172 pages, 17 x 24 cms, sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-903196-11-7


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It was almost 180 years ago that the young teacher’s assistant, Anton Bruckner, summarized his knowledge of methodology, psychology, and didactics gained at the Linz college of education in a manuscript of approximately 220 pages. The contents of this manuscript is a striking testimonial also of well-known contemporary reform pedagogues’ endeavours to modernize teacher training.
This first publication of the manuscript, which was discovered only about 40 years ago, is supplemented by additional documents regarding Bruckner’s teacher training. The new publication thus closes a gap in our knowledge of youth, studies and the educational level of Anton Bruckner.

Bruckners Methodik-Skriptum (Die Handschrift HS 4065 im Archiv der Stadt Linz; Der Aufbau der Methodik-Vorlesung)
Johann Nepomuk Pauspertl Wladyk von Drachenthal, Allgemeine Methodik
Appendix 1: Ergänzende Dokumente zu Bruckners Ausbildung als Lehrer
Appendix 2: Dokumente zu Johann August Dürrnberger
Appendix 3: Johann Baptist Hirscher, Katechetik
[ Bruckner’s methodology notes (ms. HS 4065 in the City of Linz Archive; the structure of the methodology class)

Johann Nepomuk Pauspertl Wladyk von Drachenthal, General Methodology
Appendix 1: supplementary documents concerning Bruckner’s teacher training
Appendix 2: documents on Johann August Dürrnberger
Appendix 3: Johann Baptist Hirscher, Catechetics ]


-- The first comprehensive Bruckner biography in decades --


Elisabeth Maier

Anton Bruckner. Blicke auf ein Leben


Vienna Bruckner Studies 8


MV 511
464 pages, 17 x 24, Hardcover
135 images in colour and detailed index
ISBN 978-3-903196-22-3


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Elisabeth Maier, who has been active in Bruckner research for 50 years, is committed to providing factual and cliché-free views of Bruckner that are nevertheless borne of respect and empathy.
Her decades of expertise flow into her overall presentation of the composer's life and work.
She succeeds in conveying an enormous wealth of material and scientifically precisely researched facts in a pleasantly readable language.
With numerous insights into Bruckner's environment and life, a fascinating panorama of his time, the living conditions of the time and cultural-historical events emerges.

An extensive picture section, an index that includes people, institutions, places and works by Bruckner, as well as an introductory timeline for orientation complement the text.

Required reading for anyone who wants to be comprehensively informed about Anton Bruckner!