Dramma per musica
Articles on the history, theory and criticism of music theatre

Richard Bletschacher
Rappresentazione sacra
Geistliches Musikdrama am Wiener Kaiserhof 1660-1725
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
[ Rappresentazione sacra. Sacred music drama at the imperial court in Vienna 1660-1725 ]
dpm 1
272 pages, 17 x 23 cms
generously illustrated and sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-10-0 (1985)
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In addition to the lives of the relevant poets and composers, this volume also contains seven selected librettos in the original Italian and in German translation.
Kaiser Leopold I.
Il figliuol prodigo / Der verlorene Sohn, 1663
Pietro Andrea Ziani
Assalone punito / Die Bestrafung des Absalom, 1667
Kaiser Leopold I.
Il lutto dell'universo / Die Trauer des Weltalls, 1668
Antonio Draghi
L'eternità sogetta al tempo / Die Ewigkeit unterwirft sich der Zeit, 1683
Antonio Draghi
La vita nella morte / Das Leben im Tode, 1688
Johann Joseph Fux
La fede sacrilega / Der frevelhafte Schwur, 1714
Francesco Conti
David, 1724
Kaiser Leopold I.
Il figliuol prodigo / Der verlorene Sohn, 1663
Pietro Andrea Ziani
Assalone punito / Die Bestrafung des Absalom, 1667
Kaiser Leopold I.
Il lutto dell'universo / Die Trauer des Weltalls, 1668
Antonio Draghi
L'eternità sogetta al tempo / Die Ewigkeit unterwirft sich der Zeit, 1683
Antonio Draghi
La vita nella morte / Das Leben im Tode, 1688
Johann Joseph Fux
La fede sacrilega / Der frevelhafte Schwur, 1714
Francesco Conti
David, 1724

Herbert Seifert
Der Sig-prangende Hochzeit-Gott
Hochzeitsfeste am Wiener Hof der Habsburger und ihre Allegorik 1622-1699
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
[ The wedding God in all his glory. Wedding celebrations at the Habsburg court in Vienna, and the allegory lying behind them. ]
dpm 2
132 pages, 17 x 23 cms
generously illustrated and sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-13-1 (1988)
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At seventeenth-century courts, the most important music drama performances were mounted for weddings. 'Weddings are soon followed by alliances' – the magnificent spectacles were not put on simply for entertainment's sake. This cross-disciplinary book is amply illustrated and presents a wealth of detail in highly readable form.

Richard Bletschacher
Die Stimme des Lorbeers
Operntexte des 17. Jahrhunderts im Original und in deutscher Übersetzung
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
[ The voice of the laurel. Opera texts from the seventeenth century, in the original language and translated into German by Richard Bletschacher. ]
dpm 3
420 pages. 17 x 23 cms
generously illustrated and sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-14-8 (1990)
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Jacopo Peri
L'Euridice, 1600
Claudio Monteverdi
Il lamento d'Arianna / Die Klage der Ariadne, 1608
Claudio Monteverdi
Ballo delle ingrate / Der Tanz der lieblosen Frauen, 1608
Claudio Monteverdi
Il combattimento di Tancredi et Clorinda / Der Zweikampf zwischen Tankred und Clorinda, 1624
Francesco Cavalli
La Didone / Dido, 1643
Francesco Cavalli
Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne / Die Liebe des Apollon und der Daphne, 1640
Kaiser Leopold I
Orfeo y Euridice / Orpheus und Eurydike, 1667
Kaiser Leopold I
La Nobia Barbuda / Die bärtige Braut, 1667
John Blow
Venus and Adonis / Venus und Adonis, 1683
Henry Purcell
Dido and Aeneas / Dido und Aeneas, 1700
L'Euridice, 1600
Claudio Monteverdi
Il lamento d'Arianna / Die Klage der Ariadne, 1608
Claudio Monteverdi
Ballo delle ingrate / Der Tanz der lieblosen Frauen, 1608
Claudio Monteverdi
Il combattimento di Tancredi et Clorinda / Der Zweikampf zwischen Tankred und Clorinda, 1624
Francesco Cavalli
La Didone / Dido, 1643
Francesco Cavalli
Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne / Die Liebe des Apollon und der Daphne, 1640
Kaiser Leopold I
Orfeo y Euridice / Orpheus und Eurydike, 1667
Kaiser Leopold I
La Nobia Barbuda / Die bärtige Braut, 1667
John Blow
Venus and Adonis / Venus und Adonis, 1683
Henry Purcell
Dido and Aeneas / Dido und Aeneas, 1700

Andrea Sommer-Mathis
Tu felix Austria nube
Hochzeitsfeste der Habsburger im 18. Jahrhundert
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
Series Editor: Richard Bletschacher
[ Tu felix Austria nube. Habsburg wedding celebrations in the eighteenth century. ]
dpm 4
284 pages, 17 x 23 cms
generously illustrated and sewn in soft covers
ISBN 978-3-900270-27-8 (1994)
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This book, a continuation of the second volume in the dpm series, gives a well- illustrated and detailed description of eighteenth-century Habsburg wedding celebrations. Historically speaking, the book spans the period from Emperor Charles VI to Franz II (I), taking in Maria Theresa and her children on its path; from the point of view of music drama, the book ranges from Antonio Caldara through Johann Adolph Hasse to Gluck and Mozart, and from Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati through Pietro Metastasio to Lorenzo da Ponte. The book not only presents the celebrations mounted at the Vienna court but also those put on in parallel in Barcelona, Dresden, Munich, Parma, Innsbruck, Naples, Paris and Milan, thus treating the reader to a colourful panorama of the culture of celebration as it was cultivated and practised all over Europe in the eighteenth century.