Internationale Bruckner-Gesellschaft

The Internationale Bruckner-Gesellschaft (International Bruckner Society) was founded in Leipzig in 1927.
As the parent organisation it embraced all the Bruckner associations in existence at the time: “Its purpose is to surmount linguistic and political barriers and to propagate the essence of Bruckner throughout the whole world.”

Its goal was to “create understanding for Bruckner’s life work everywhere as well as establish its universal dissemination and recognition.” The IBG was constituted in Vienna in 1929 and, in the same year, the first issue of Bruckner-Blätter was also printed. Max Auer was the first president, Franz Schalk was appointed honorary president. Local groups were subsequently founded in Germany and Austria. In the years 1930-1955 a total of thirteen International Bruckner Festivals took place in different German, Austrian and Swiss cities. From 1971 to 2004 Horst Haschek was president of the IBG. Since 2005 Thomas Leibnitz, the former director of the music collection of the Austrian National Library, has been president.

The principal task of the IBG was and remains today the publication of Bruckner’s works in conjunction with the Austrian National Library. The IBG-Mitteilungsblatt has appeared since 1971 (with the principal title Studien & Berichte since 1993).


The Bruckner Medal of the IBG is awarded to personalities who have promoted respectivley promote Bruckner’s work through their work. Previous owners are amongst others Siegmund von Hausegger, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Herbert von Karajan, Carlo Maria Giulini, Zubin Mehta and Bernard Haitink.



Dr. Thomas Leibnitz

Vice president:
Dr. Angela Pachovsky

Dr. Andrea Harrandt

Mag. Christian Klausner




Membership subscription is a minimum of € 10 per annum. Twice yearly the members of the IBG receive Studien & Berichte. Mitteilungsblatt der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, which provides information about the Bruckner Complete Edition and all activities associated with Bruckner (concerts, symposia, exhibitions, publications, CDs, etc.)




Internationale Bruckner-Gesellschaft
c/o Musiksammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Palais Mollard, Herrengasse 9
1010 Wien


Dr. Thomas Leibnitz



In matters concerning membership or reports for Studien & Berichte please contact


Dr. Andrea Harrandt
Internationale Bruckner-Gesellschaft

c/o Musiksammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
Palais Mollard, Herrengasse 9
1010 Wien


If you have an enquiry about membership subscription and payment please contact

Mag. Christian Klausner
Beatrixgasse 32
1030 Wien